The Literacy Challenge
Adult literacy can change everything.
Health. Gender equality. Poverty. Every important social issue is impacted by low literacy. When individuals learn how to read, write, do basic math, and use computers, they have the power to lift themselves out of poverty, lower health care costs, find and keep sustainable employment, and ultimately change their lives. -
Some causes of low literacy
Low literacy in individuals stems from different, sometimes inter-related causes such as:
Undiagnosed learning disabilities
Hearing or vision loss
No one in the family or household stresses reading or education
Poverty or a focus on survival needs rather than education
Violence in the community or bullying at school, causing a student to miss large amounts of school
Moving from one school to another throughout childhood, so that education was disjointed
Leaving school at a young age to care for a sick or dying family member or to provide income for the family
Some consequences of low literacy
Higher rates of unemployment
Low-literate adults who are employed often turn down promotions or advancement opportunities because they fear the paperwork that will be required
Lower income and lower-quality jobs
More workplace accidents, take longer to recover and more often misuse medication because they have trouble reading and understanding the relevant information (warnings, dosage, contraindications, etc.)
Perpetuating cycles of intergenerational low literacy
Lower levels of community and civic participation
Barriers to getting help
Despite the numerous advantages associated with undertaking literacy or basic training, low literacy individuals face barriers that often prevent them from moving ahead.
Family constraints
Individuals’ own history of past learning experiences (e.g., doing badly at school)
Pessimistic outlook and low self-esteem
Lack of confidence in their ability to learn
Lack of money
Schedule conflict with paid job
Distance from training site
Concerns with the program: duration, level of difficulty, anxiety about being able to work at their own pace and relevance of content offered
Difficulty dealing with change
Shame at having their problem revealed to others